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The ultimate video checklist for marketers

The ultimate video checklist for marketers

June 27, 2024

Why video works

Nothing builds a brand like emotion, and nothing drives emotion like video.

  • Videos Attract Attention
  • Demand for Video is Increasing
  • Videos Explain Things Better
  • Video Boosts Conversions
  • Google Prefers Video Content
  • Video is a Powerful Sales Tool
  • Video Can Be Repurposed Across Multiple Platforms
  • (Greater reach = a greater return on investment)

This is a small excerpt from our eBook – The Ultimate Video Checklist, A Guide for Video Success.

Video ROI

  • 84% of video marketers say video has helped them generate leads.
  • 86% of video marketers say video has increased traffic to their website.
  • 94% of video marketers say video has helped increase user understanding of their product or service.
  • 83% of video marketers say video has helped increase the average time their visitors spend on page.

Source: wyzowl

What is an Explainer Video?

These are the most common types of media you’ll see doing the rounds. Explainer videos are a perfect fit for an audience seeking to learn more about a product or service. They’ll have the intention of either solving a pain point or capitalising on an opportunity.

A great explainer resonates with their current situation and gets them excited about how your product/service can achieve their ambitions. An explainer video is a short, powerful video, think of it as an elevator pitch in video form.

Things to consider.

  1. Relate to your audience’s intent – why are they exploring your product or service?
  2. Define your promise – how you can help them realise their goals?
  3. Prove the promise to be true
  4. CTA - what do you want your audience to do now?

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What is a Brand Video?

Where an explainer takes on the specific role of getting your audience excited about a product or service, a brand video gets them excited about your company. They work particularly well front and centre on your home page and also on LinkedIn.

Our goal is to create a resonance between your brand values and your audiences so that their reaction is “I really like and want to work with this company.”

Things to consider.

  1. Be welcoming – your brand video is your shop window
  2. Personify your brand values
  3. Demonstrate your brand authority
  4. Ensure your tone/style reflects your brand personality

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What is a Commercial?

Gone are the days when commercials cost an arm and a leg to get in front of your audience. The TV only ‘spray and pray’ approach has been replaced with much more nuanced and highly targeted platforms, such as Sky Adsmart, YouTube Pre-roll, 4oD, LinkedIn etc.

The power of a commercial lies in its ability to take a single proposition (the core essence of the product/service) and showcase it in a creative and compelling way. If you haven’t ever considered commercials, now may be a perfect time.

Things to consider.

  1. Focus on a single proposition – one product/service promise
  2. Tell a story that creates an emotional bond – trigger an emotional response

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Other types of video production

If you are not already leveraging the benefits of video in your digital marketing and customer journeys, then there is no better time than the present to take your first steps. There are a host of ways brands can use video we haven't touched on here, such as for PR Campaigns, Event Videos, and of course, there's the way they are produced, like 3D animated video, video production, motion graphics and animated infographics.